Making progress!

cloverwp     It seems to be taking forever to finish the artwork on Hideaway Hilda. I’m halfway through now, chapter 6. I’m sure I’ll be going back over these later and adding a few more things here and there but for now, I’m OK with the artwork.

What I’m finding is the more I press to get these done the more I am learning along the way. I can see a very big improvement in my work just since last year. I’ve never taken a project this far (I’m on book two) so that I can see what a difference practice, practice, practice, makes. And I feel I can take it a whole lot farther. Maybe by book 3 I’ll feel better about the work.

My goal is to get the book done by June 1st. I’ll post when I can since each of these little digital paintings are taking all day to do. Not easy to do when you work full time.

Keeping my head down and enjoying the artwork.


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